Congrats to the Lady Knights JV team in their Holiday Tournament win over NRHEG 47-36.
about 2 years ago, Jackie Slama
The Lady Knights' JV Holiday Tournament started strong with a 40-36 win over St. James.
about 2 years ago, Jackie Slama
Lady Knights' Varsity Holiday Tournament started strong with a 60-35 win over St. James.
about 2 years ago, Jackie Slama
The girls varsity basketball team beat Waseca tonight at home 55 to 33.
about 2 years ago, Mark Westerburg, Supt. of Schools
Congrats to the Fans of the Knight for 12/20: Willow Casey, Blake Nilson, Jermaine Arrington and Chloe Sargent
about 2 years ago, Jackie Slama
12/20 Fans of the Knight
Due to the weather, LCWM will be releasing early on Wednesday, December 21. Secondary will release at 12:45 pm and Elementary will release at 1:00 pm. School will also be CLOSED on Thursday, December 22. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and look forward to seeing everyone back in the new year!
about 2 years ago, LCWM
It's -4 degrees today. Elf on the Shelf or Fool on the School?
about 2 years ago, Shayna Cram
Elf on the Shelf
Elf on the Shelf
Elf on the Shelf
Elf on the Shelf
8th grade boys reviewing the periodic table through a mean game of Battleship, ready for tomorrow's quiz!
about 2 years ago, LCWM
8th grade boys reviewing the periodic table through a mean game of Battleship, ready for tomorrow's quiz!
2022 Holiday Choir Concert
about 2 years ago, Mike Thofson
Jr High
Concert Choir
Ms. Rogers taught these kinders all about pushing and pulling in STEM class!
about 2 years ago, LCWM
Kinders learning about pushes and pulls.
On Friday, Mr. Bosma's 4th, 6th, and 7th hour classes participated in Greek city state Olympics! They needed to answer questions on Greek history and participated in the long jump, locker bay dash, and softball shot put events!
about 2 years ago, LCWM
Thebes, the Greek Olympic winners
Marathon-2nd Place
Marathon-3rd Place
The Lady Knights took on the Loyola Crusaders tonight. The Lady Knights ourscored the Crusaders 67-23. Congrats!
about 2 years ago, Jackie Slama
​Due to the weather, LCWM Schools will be two hours late today, Friday, December 16, 2022. No AM Preschool.
about 2 years ago, LCWM
Due to the weather LCWM schools will be closed today December 15, 2022. No evening activities.
about 2 years ago, LCWM
​Due to the weather LCWM schools will be two hours late today, Thursday, December 15, 2022. No AM Preschool.
about 2 years ago, LCWM
Third grade students were each given dictionaries by the Lake Crystal Lions Club this afternoon!
about 2 years ago, LCWM
Lake Crystal Lions Club
Lake Crystal Lions Club
Lake Crystal Lions Club
Lake Crystal Lions Club
Congrats on the recent "Fans of the Knight!" The Basketball Cheerleaders choose a couple students/fans that are cheering loud and proud and respectful at each home game.
about 2 years ago, Jackie Slama
12/12 Fans of the Knight: Sam Denzel and Nate Driscoll
12/13 Fans of the Knight: Jaci Jordan, Tanner McManemy, Grace Sandmeyer
The boys varsity basketball team defeated Martin County West tonight, 79 to 41 at home.
about 2 years ago, Mark Westerburg, Supt. of Schools
Mrs. Sanders' class had a great time in one of the outdoor classrooms this morning!
over 2 years ago, LCWM
Outdoor classroom
outdoor classroom
Due to the weather LCWM Schools will be two hours late today December 9, 2022. No AM Preschool.
over 2 years ago, LCWM