Congrats to the LCWM/N Boys Cross Country team on their win this morning and to all other competitors too!
Here are the results:
Girls Varsity 5000: Grace 6th
Boys Varsity 5000: Luke 11th, Christian 12th, Ethan 14th
Girls Junior Varsity 4000: Kaylie 5th, Alyssa 13th (not pictured)
Boys Junior Varsity 4000 Logan 15th
Girls Junior High 2000: Nora 8th
Boys Junior High 2000: Charlie 2nd
Boys Varsity Team Champions out of 10 complete teams.

Thank you to POET of Lake Crystal for the donation of 500 bottles of hand sanitizer and liquid sanitizer! Jan Ellanson and Jennifer Edwards dropped it off this morning! They'll be out for the kids and staff to use and have throughout the year! We are so thankful for everyone who is so generous!

Thank you to MinnStar Bank for organizing such a successful school supply fundraiser for our LCWM students and to all of the donors! Kent Thiesse, Senior VP and Heather Lee, Assistant Vice President/Retail Operations Manager just dropped off all of these amazing supplies at the Elementary! THANK YOU!!

The girls varsity volleyball team lost a second five heartbreaker tonight to JWP.Keep playing hard ladies the wins will come.

Rain or shine our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade football teams are having a blast! Go Knights!

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In the app store, search for LCWM Knights, download, and you're all set!
Change can be tough but it can also be very beneficial! The new website is definitely different but by choosing district, or which school you want, it makes things easier. The quick links on the bottom of the main page are also a great place to look if you can't find something! Contact the office if you have ANY questions and we will help you navigate it!

The LCWM Volleyball team had fun at their team bonding event at a Gustavus game tonight! Come support tomorrow in Lake Crystal against JWP! Just a reminder-NO admission fees for LCWM fans!!

All staff meetings and breakfast this morning at the Secondary! Check out the Facebook page for a video message! Make sure to click on the photo to see the whole photo!!

Looking for bus information? Check the portal! Login, click more, then transportation! Question? Call Palmer Bus Service at 507-726-2832.

If you have an athlete in Cross Country, click to view the order form! Fill it out and return it to Kelly Moeller by September 7!!

Teachers are back! Meetings at their buildings this morning followed by some thoughts from our new Superintendent this afternoon! It’ll be a full week of training and getting ready for our students!

Varsity football getting their reps in today at the scrimmage in Mapleton. I can’t wait for the season to start.

Rain or shine the cross country team is getting it done. Lots of hard work in tough conditions

LCWM history lesson of the day! Someone dropped a hard copy of this photo off in the Secondary office last week. We know what year it is, do you? HINT: It's the last year of the middle school in Garden City. Do you see anyone you know; tag them in the comments!! #LCWMHistory

Girls varsity soccer lost in a 2 to 1 match today with Worthington. It was a well played game.

The 2020-21 Celebrate Success went out in the mail today!! Check it out and see if you spot any student's names you know!! The 2021-22 calendar is done and was delivered yesterday! You can grab one at open house/conferences or if you can't wait, stop by one of the offices!

New teachers for the 2021-22 school year have officially started! Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Swedberg, Mr. Oldenburg, Mr. Klehr, Mr. Altermatt, and Ms. Anderson to LCWM! We are looking forward to a great year!

Girls varsity volleyball getting the fall season started with the jamboree at Cleveland today. The Lady Knights are going to have a good season. On a side note, congratulations to the Cleveland school district for a wonderful activity center addition to their school.

During the 2021-22 school year, LCWM fans will be allowed into home, regular season competitions and performances at no cost!
The district encourages any and all community members to attend these events to support our students, especially after a COVID year where fans and spectators were extremely limited.

LCWM Parents/Guardians,
As we have done throughout the pandemic, the district will continue to follow guidance from the state, but will not require anything not required by the state or other regulatory agencies. We will support and communicate the recommendations of public health agencies while allowing families and staff the personal choice on whether to follow the recommendations. Along with CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) we recommend people to get vaccinated, when eligible. For more information about vaccinations and to schedule an appointment, visit the MDH website.
Our primary focus continues to be the education of our students, while integrating health and safety responses into our existing pre-pandemic public health support. Regular cleaning and disinfection of our learning spaces and vehicles will continue. Proper hygiene practices such as frequent handwashing with soap and water, cleaning hands using hand sanitizer and disinfecting surfaces will continue to be implemented and taught at all schools. Our HVAC system will continue to operate at full capacity for more frequent air exchange in each building.
We look forward to our continued partnership this school year and remain committed to the safety and success of each child. If you have any questions as you prepare for the start of the school year, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s school.
Below are our initial plans for the start of the school year. Changes would be made if we are required by the state or federal government to do something different.
*Masking is recommended and encouraged by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) regardless of vaccination status.
*LCWM is not requiring masking for students and staff. Please talk to your student about respecting others' choices in regards to masking. Anyone can wear a mask at school for their own protection, we will not separate based on who does or doesn't wear a mask.
*Masking is still required on all school buses. This is a federal requirement; school buses are considered public transportation. If this law changes, you will be notified.
*Vaccination is recommended and encouraged for all those 12 and over by the CDC and MDH and are available at your healthcare provider, local pharmacies and Blue Earth County Public Health. However vaccinations are not a requirement to attend school.
*Each building will work to maximize distances in classrooms and common areas to allow for more spacing between students.
*If someone tests positive for COVID, they need to stay home in isolation for 10 days.
*If your student is a close contact of a household member who is positive for COVID 19, per the MDH Decision Tree, you must quarantine your student for 14 days as long as they are able to isolate away from positive household member - household contacts are very likely to develop COVID 19. This will be evaluated on an individual basis as there are variables to this.
*If someone is considered a non household close contact at school, we will inform the parents and ask them to monitor their student for up to fourteen days, we will not require them to miss school. If a student develops symptoms at school or at home, we require a negative test or alternate diagnosis to return to school. There are many seasonal allergies and other medical issues that resemble the symptoms of COVID.
*Each school site will continue with the daily disinfecting as we did last year.
*Hand sanitizer will remain available at the main entrances, in classrooms and throughout each building.
*If we experience an outbreak we will move to advanced mitigation strategies.
*We will not be offering a distance learning option for students. We know the best educational value and outcomes are when students are in school and working with their teachers in person.
*LCWM will continue to report positive cases to MDH as we have done in the past with COVID and other illnesses.
We will keep you posted if situations change. Our goal is to give students the best education possible, which means to have students in our buildings, safely, with in person learning.
Mark Westerburg
LCWM Superintendent