We sure do have a fine looking 5th grade band!
about 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
5th Grade Band
Special Thanks to St Peter’s Lutheran Church in Vernon Center for the donation of blankets, gloves, t-shirts and socks for our students!
about 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Help the LCWM Student Council reach their goal of collecting toys and money for Toys for Tots! Donations can be dropped off at Kevin’s Market, Ace Hardware, the Elementary school, and the High school. They will also be collecting donations at home sporting events and the band concert. Please consider making a donation before December 17th! The LCWM Student Council greatly appreciates your support!
about 3 years ago, LCWM
Help the LCWM Student Council reach their goal of collecting toys and money for Toys for Tots! Donations can be dropped off at Kevin’s Market, Ace Hardware, the Elementary school, and the High school. They will also be collecting donations at home sporting events and the band concert. Please consider making a donation before December 17th! The LCWM Student Council greatly appreciates your support!
Festive Sweater Fridays are back!
about 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Unfortunately our Clubs Choice fundraiser delivery has been delayed. We will let you know as soon as a new date has been set.
about 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Clubs Choice Delivery
We had a very successful Scholastic Book Fair this year! Lots of families stopped in to check it out and purchase books. We sold almost $9,000 worth of books! It is clear that LCWM students love to read!
about 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Scholastic Book Fair
Shane had some help fixing the Gaga ball pit last week.
about 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Gaga ball
Now Hiring!! Did you know in order to be a substitute teacher you just need a four year degree and a Short Call Sub License from the Minnesota Department of Education? Substitute Teachers are in HIGH demand and needed all over the state! To check and/or apply for our open positions at LCWM click: https://tinyurl.com/jobopenings1121 If you are interested in becoming a substitute teacher, click the link below to be taken to the MDE website to learn more!! https://public.education.mn.gov/CELApplication/
about 3 years ago, LCWM
It was a busy day for Mrs. Schwaegerl's 3rd Graders yesterday! Mrs. Schwaegerl set up the classroom like a family dining room and welcomed her students to the feast when they came in from recess. They practiced their table manners and got the opportunity to try some new foods! They also learned about winter safety from the Blue Earth County snow removal crew and the Sherriff's Department!
about 3 years ago, LCWM
It was a busy day for Mrs. Schwaegerl's 3rd Graders yesterday! Mrs. Schwaegerl set up the classroom like a family dining room and welcomed her students to the feast when they came in from recess. They practiced their table manners and got the opportunity to try some new foods! They also learned about winter safety from the Blue Earth County snow removal crew and the Sherriff's Department!
about 3 years ago, LCWM
Great job to all of the cast and crew members at tonight’s performance of Alladin! Come out tomorrow evening for the second and final show!
over 3 years ago, Karissa Hall
Here is the Veterans Day Program video for everyone to enjoy. https://youtu.be/-EYIvnUTS9Q
over 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
We had a wonderful turnout at our Veterans Day Program yesterday. Special THANKS to the Veterans for their service to our Country and for joining us with their families! Also, Thank You Mrs. Steinberg and Mrs. Nelson for all of their hard work putting together the program and the art show.
over 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Veterans Day Program
Veterans Day Program
Veterans Day Program
Veterans Day Program
Please join our national junior honor society students for library story time tomorrow morning!! Story time will be held the second Saturday of every month. NJHS students read stories and have some crafts that the kiddos can complete related to the stories that they'll hear!
over 3 years ago, LCWM
Story time
Does your child need a winter coat? The Mankato United Way is donating coats to students in need in the LCWM School District. If your child needs a coat, please contact the Elementary School Social Worker Mrs. Foster (afoster@isd2071.k12.mn.us), or our school counselor Mrs. Kuglin (skuglin@isd2071.k12.mn.us) and they will arrange for your child to get one!
over 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Our new shade structures at the Elementary School are complete and look awesome! Thank you to everyone who helped the PTO raise enough money to purchase these!
over 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Shade structures
Shade structures
Shade stuctures
A few 4th Graders helped Mr. Ken out today by cleaning marks off the floor. Ken's Helpers get their names in a bi-weekly drawing to win the Ken Club drawing.
over 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Ken's Helpers
Mrs. Strenge has planned some fun Dress Up Days for Elementary Conferences next week! Check it out!
over 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Elementary Book Fair Dress Up Days
Each year The American Legion Women's Auxiliary teaches the 4th Grade students about the US Flag. They watch a video and receive a book about Flag Day. This year LCWM Elementary School was also presented with a flag for the big gym. Thank you to Susan Blythe and Suzette Johnson for presenting the flag. Thank you to the American Legion for the donation! The flag is a great addition to our gym and was hung up just in time for the Veterans day program.
over 3 years ago, Shayna Cram
Flag Day
Flag Day
Henry Wellcome IV raises his hand and says, “pick me!” Check out the scarecrow contest and other activities at Marston Park in Lake Crystal tomorrow from 2-5!! It’s going to be a beautiful day!
over 3 years ago, Karissa Hall